The MP3 alarm clock is a program that lets you wake up to your MP3s! All you need to do is open up my program, and create a new Alarm. Pretty simple, huh?
This program is "Apple Job ware" (not to be confused with "Steve Jobs ware"). If you can get me a job at Apple when I get out of college in 3 years, you get a registered copy of my program! The registered copy is identical to the freeware version - but think - you'll have the ONLY registered copy in the world!
System Requirements:
A Power Macintosh and Quicktime. To play MP3s, you'll need QuickTime 4.0 or newer.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How in the world do I create a new alarm?
A: You either edit an empty alarm, use the File menu > New Alarm, or type N. Once the Edit Alarm window appears, select a time and a day (make sure you get AM/PM correct - I always screw that up myself) and the select some music you want to wake up to by clicking on the "Media" button. You can open MP3s, WAVs, MIDIs, and AIFFs (chances are you dont have AIFFs lying around). If all goes well, the title of the song will appear in the Edit Alarm window next to the "Media" button. Click the OK button and viola, your alarm is created. That wasn't too hard, was it? Important note: If you want the alarm to go off, click the "Active" box that corresponds with it.
Q: Can I make more than 1 alarm? I only see 1 alarm in the Alarms window.
A: Of course you can. You can have up to 14 alarms! To get more alarms, just click on the down arrow button in the bottom right of the Alarms window.
Q: Why did you make this program?
A: Because I'm sick of having alarm clock programs that beep, or only have one alarm to set. As a college student, I have to wake up every day at a different time! So, I made this. :-)
Q: How can I get more skins, or can I make my own?
A: You could go to the official web site and download any new skins you see there. If you wanna make new skins, email me at and i'll tell you how to make one. Its pretty easy!
Q: How did you make those cool document icons? (like the one on this read me?)
A: I am currently working on a program that does all this stuff for me. It is still in the works, but I'll be releasing it sooner or later. :-)
Q: Why is the limit 14 alarms? Why not 10? Why not ∞?
A: Originally it had 7 - one for each day. My roommate, however, did not want to run my alarm clock all night because his computer is too busy cranking out SETI@Home blocks, so I made its limit14 alarms - enough for 7 alarms per week for 2 people :-) Why not an infinite number of alarms? Come on - you only wake up one or two times per day!
Known issue:
• Some MP3s won't play because QuickTime can't play some types of MP3s! BUMMER!
Version History:
1.0 - Initial release (4/12/00)
1.1 - (4/14/00)
• (Feature) You can now hide either or both windows if you dont want to see them
• (Feature) You can quickly access the first 10 skins though 0 - 9
• (Feature) You can now specify "Everyday", "Weekdays", or "Weekends" as well as individual days
• (Feature) You can make space for more or fewer alarms with the apple +/- buttons or apple up/down arrows
• (Change) Made the snooze button default
• (Change) When snoozing, the snooze button is disabled
• (Bug Fix) The currently used skin will be checked at startup
• (Bug Fix) Program would quit instead of error when the numerals in a skin did not match
• (Added) Documentation on how to make skins
• (Added) Small easter egg - try and find it! ;-)
I would like to thank:
Dave Holle - for kicking ass
Josh Wurzel - it was indirectly his idea
Michael Simmons - bad ass beta tester
Mike Miller - without him I wouldn't program on the mac
Joseph Kennedy - moral support or something
ZDNet - for giving my program a four star rating and calling it a "Must Have"
The ZDNet review can be found at:
Legal stuff / the small print:
I accept no responsibilities for my program if it does something it is not supposed to, like blow up your computer, or crash and not wake you up. In fact, if anything goes wrong, its not my fault, its YOUR fault! You probably have a Microsoft™ program somewhere on your computer indirectly screwing up my program - so go sue Microsoft™, or at least get in line to sue Microsoft™. :-)
But seriously, I accept no responsibility for anything bad that occurs if my program malfunctions in any way. And besides - I'm only 18 and I'm broke, so even if you sued me you wouldnt get any money!